Sunday, May 2, 2010

Awards and honors from the United Nations

duriandave asked in a comment made to the post "Zhou Xun is a Champion of the Earth" below what Zhou Xun had done to deserve her award, a very reasonable question. While I am still not entirely sure, here is a vidio from the United Nations Environment Programme which illustrates, at least according to UNEP's criteria, her "well publicized statements, advice and lifestyle choices which are influencing millions of her fans to become more environmentally conscious citizens and consumers".

The UNEP award is different from being appointed as a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for one of its agencies. UNICEF was the first to use civilians in that role and, along with UNESCO, has the majority of Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers from Peace since only the hardest of hearts could be opposed to children, education and culture. UNICEF is very upfront about their needs: they want famous people who will publicize the agency and help them raise money. Maggie Cheung is the latest Ambassador and Dennis Lee has the story here. This is one of the pictures from the event announcing the honor and since it is Maggie, jeans, low ankle boots and a blazer are now OK to wear for an awards luncheon in which you are getting the award. The UNICEF site which hasn't been updated yet to show her Magginess as being on board and which is very open about why they want singers, actors and atheletes is here

Maggie spent some time in a village in Yunan Province that has a significant number of HIV infected women and their children as part of her UNICEF duties. This article from "China Daily" has some coverage of the visit and a few pictures from it.


  1. Not sure if this will help any but, loosely translated (via google) from the
    From the UNDP site:
    (2009) co-sponsored by Proctor & Gamble, activities have been started from July till November. Partners hope that through joint efforts to promote the concept of green consumption and help people change their behavior, leading low-carbon life.

    At the Shenzhen Walmart launch, she said: "We all know that to reduce consumption and reduce carbon emissions can help us save money. in the context of the financial crisis, which is the government and the public will lie: to prevent climate change not only benefits our economy, more importantly, it also helps improve our quality of life. So, people throughout the world need to change the way of life, more efficient use of natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. "
    Under background, partly, it says:
    From July 2009 to 11 months, "Green move China" through the network platform (, "OUR PART of our contribution to the" official website (, store a variety of activities form, consumers across the country called "less use of a pair of chopsticks," "less use of a disposable paper cup," and so on, through which life can be easily used to reduce the environmental small resource consumption, to improve the environment to make positive efforts.

    To encourage consumers of green action, P & G specifically to the nation more than 500 million consumers of environmental small objects, including "portable lunch box," "compartment cup", "kettle with scale," and so on, through these convenient and practical life of a small object, not only the participants of the green movement is more convenient, but also can easily measure their own to change the environment to make real contributions.

    (2008)The project aims to use Zhou Xun's public image and influence, to create a comprehensive media platform, promote people through a positive, simple and effective lifestyle changes to reduce personal carbon emissions and combat climate change together. As a "green action in China" campaign advocates and UNDP Goodwill Ambassador, Zhou Xun has always insisted a number of practicing environmental small habits: for example in the crew never use disposable lunch boxes and chopsticks, recycling renewable paper.

  2. Thanks dleedlee for a couple of reasons: First because the translation above is a much better or at least much more resonant message than the subtitled voice on the video that begins with Zhou Xun discovering the environmental movement through Al Gore's book and movie--although perhaps "An Inconvenient Truth" hit harder outstide of the United States than it did here.

    The second reason is my rediscovering google translation and learning (once again) that with a bit of patience it is possible to get the basis for decent tranlastions from Chinese. For some reason I have been using various other online translators that might be based on google but running the page you reference through google translation get (as you know) a much cleaner first approximation of its meaning.

  3. Ed, here's an 'ancient Chinese-American secret': If you're a Windows user, try the latest version of Google's Chrome browser. It will translate 'on the fly'. Made my life much easier these past couple of months! :D

  4. Thanks for the Zhou Xun video! It reminds me that one of the things I love most about her is her voice.
