Sunday, July 7, 2013

Gao Yuanyuan busy on the commercial/diplomatic front

Gao Yuanyuan was recently was named California's official tourism ambassador to mainland China. Her duties will be to hype the attractions of the Golden State that will encourage even greater numbers of mainland Chinese to book a trip that includes Universal Studios, Disneyland and Fisherman's Wharf by appearing in commercials and posing for photographs that run on Chinese websites. As the representative of the California almond growers for the past couple of years Gao Yuanyuan has some experience with having her picture taken while advocating international trade.

The new ambassador's official portrait:

Here are a couple of pictures made to look like tourist snapshots (other than being properly focused, exposed and composed) that show the uncrowded splendor of California shopping areas:

Two model type shots, one jumping on a beach, the other serving as a backdrop for yummy strawberries--another potential sponsorship, perhaps.

For the almond growers she is gamboling through an almond grove while being filmed for a commercial. For some reason the image that the PR agency moved was focused on the film cameraman and not the spokesperson or even an almond tree.

California almonds--the snack for those awkward social occasions where no one looks at anyone else:

or when you want to eat just one:

China Daily; L.A. Times; Xiaman

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